White Fire OG


$15.00 – $290.00

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White Fire OG, also known as WiFi OG, is a 60% Sativa hybrid with uplifting and comfortable cerebrally focused effects. This strain combines the best features of its parent strains: the sour, earthy, diesel aroma of Fire OG and the high resin production of The White that leaves the plants covered in a dusty snowfall of crystals. Many phenotypes of White Fire OG exist, some with dense, barrel-like buds and others with pointed, conic formations. Daytime use of this strain won’t leave the consumer drowsy, making it a good choice for social and creative activities. White Fire OG is often chosen by patients to treat anxiety and depression, cancer, glaucoma, pain, and appetite loss. Growers of White Fire OG can raise their high-yielding plants outdoors or inside with a 65-day flowering period.

와이파이 OG라고도 알려진 화이트 파이어 OG입니다. 편안하고 안정감 있는 효과를 가져오고 뇌 활동을 활발하게 합니다. 사티바 비율이 높은 하이브리드 제품입니다. 단단하고 거친 버드 모양에 맛과 향이 더욱더 풍부하게 느껴집니다. 불안감과 우울증, 암, 녹내장, 통증 및 식욕 상실을 치료하는데 탁월 한 효과를 발휘합니다.

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1g, 2g, 3.5g, 7g, 10g, 28g


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