Beast Mode OG, also known as BlueFire OG, is an Indica-dominant hybrid of Master Kush and White Fire OG. It is a proprietary strain distributed by Green Umbrella in Seattle, and bred by Grass Roots Pharm. The strain was developed on the heels of Green Umbrella’s other successful proprietary strain, Beast Mode OG. After another successful season for both Beast Mode OG and Seattle’s infamous running back, Grass Roots Pharm and Green Umbrella collaborated to bring Beast Mode 2.0 to the medical market, with plans to make it available for recreational consumption later this summer. Beast Mode 2.0 has a sweet mix of earthy berry and piney Kush flavors and has tested as high as 23% total cannabinoids by Steep Hill Lab. The effects of this hybrid are steered by the heavy Indica properties that medical patients seek when fighting chronic pain, sleeplessness, or a lack of appetite.
비스트모드 OG는 BLUE FIRE OG 라고도 불리기도 하며 인디카 성격이 짙은 품종입니다 시애틀에서 건너와 엘에이에서 사랑 받는 인디카 품종입니다! 추후에는 이 품종보다 강력한 beast mode2.0 이 출시 될 예정 입니다. 높은 THC 함유량에 속하며 만성 통증, 불면증 또는 식욕부진에 좋습니다.
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